Friday, November 2, 2012

Inspiring guest bloggers!

I started this blog in April this year after living on this ranch for three months. The purpose being that I wanted to share our journey of exploring viable options in sustainability, organic farming, livestock, and a family-oriented ranching lifestyle. A journey with the goal of living in harmony with animals and nature. Our horses, many of them rescue horses are a big part of our journey towards learning about our place on earth. The horses teach us valuable lessons about life every day. We believe that as stewards of life and land we are the guardians of the world our children will inherit and that our resources must be managed in a way that reflect that ethic. Every day at Northcutt Ranch we learn a little more about love, life, ranching, agriculture, and sustainability.


Another important reasons why I like blogging is that I can “meet” so many interesting people, share thoughts and important wisdom. Learning from people that “been there and done that” is extremely valuable to me. I made huge changes in my life while following my dreams. If I can inspire someone to follow their dreams, (when the rest of the world thinks they are crazy,) it would make me very happy. I have mentors that inspired me and without them I wouldn´t be doing what I´m doing today; Living my dream. I am forever grateful towards them.


I´ve been attracted by the magic of the majestic animal we know as the horse since I was a little girl. I want to constantly improve my horsemanship skills. I´m trying to do so by spending a lot of time with my horses, read books, attend to clinics and watch great horseman’s and women in action. I love all parts of “my horse life”; from the early morning feedings, spending time observing them out on the pasture, play with young horses, grooming, trail and endurance riding and problem solving. My husband and I made it our goal to ride The Tevis Cup in 2014.

It takes a lot of preparation to build the kind of relationship to a horse that would be required to make it through such a grueling task in a responsible way, not talking about all the conditioning for both horse and rider. My husband’s goal is to win. I´m more in it for the journey but it would be fun to be in top ten.

As a way to create more interaction on my blog I invited interesting people to be guest writers. I´m very happy about the positive responses I´ve got.  In the next following months there are going to be guest bloggers from: Canada, Greece, Sweden and US. In the following posts I will introduce them one by one and tell you why I admire what they do.
The inspiration is about to begin! Follow us and be inspired by amazing horses and the people in their life!

Maria Northcutt, Northcutt Ranch
November 2, 2012

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I´d love to hear what you think about todays post. Did you relate to the topic?