Saturday, May 19, 2012

Swedish Dala Horses in the window of our Baby room

The little perfectionist in me been working hard today. I suddenly remember why I never wanted to have a big house. Since I got my first apartment at age 19 I always have been drawn to small, cozy places that are easy to make into a home. I prefer to not have too many things, every year I go through my stuff and sell/give away the things I haven´t used the past year. The combination of only having a few things (that I carefully choose with all my heart) and a small home makes it easy to keep the home at the level I prefer it. I want it to be clean! Like all the time. I don´t feel that I have to clean the house every day or so, just take precautions so it never gets dirty (like no shoes indoors and having everyone in the family cleaning up after themselves as soon as they finished a project.)

Hummingbird feeder at the front porch

That´s always been pretty easy for me. Now I find myself living in a HUGE house that I haven´t really been able to transform into the home I want it to be yet. After having a little less energy than normally for a few weeks (pregnancy and allergies) I found the house in need for a makeover. It´s not a disaster but not the way I want it to be either. I feel so much more in tune with life if my surroundings have peace. So that´s what I´ve been working on today. Haven´t been outside more than to feed the horses and I´m not even half way done with my project yet. Think I´ll finish the rest tomorrow …. J

This morning I did finish the first of the nine books I bought the other day “The Pioneer woman- black heels to tractor wheels”, by Ree Drummond. It was hilarious made me both laugh and cry! She´s a good author, I like her language and I can relate to many of the subjects.

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I´d love to hear what you think about todays post. Did you relate to the topic?