Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mixed feelings

Philip and Wrangle are starting to understand each other well on the trails. They are in the progress of making a training schedule with conditioning on the trails and some shorter endurance rides in the near future. It´s so hard for me to not be able to ride! I am very happy for them but not riding drives me crazy. Some people might long for a glass of wine or a beer when they´re pregnant. I know that one of the first things I want to do after the baby is born is to RIDE. Really ride, not walk! I´m just dying to start training my Tevis Horse. That I don´t have yet.. and not the least start getting back in shape myself. I love training and it´s hard for me to slow down. I´m trying my best though, since my doctor told me that all the training can be part of why I have too many white blood cells right now (and my seasonal allergy which is really bad right now. I still believe it´s more the allergies fault than the training..)

Anyway I feel OK considering I´m 30 weeks pregnant. I am looking forward to seeing our Baby Girl soon J I can´t wait to once again experience the unique feeling of a little one in my arms. This time even more than the first time since I don´t feel any anxiety of not knowing how to handle motherhood and what to expect, like I did the first time. I´m in a good relationship, living a life that I love and I´m able to work from home (even though I am not planning to work much the first year.) I´m planning to enjoy this experience to the maximum.

In Sweden parents have the right to stay at home (payed!) with their newborns the first year. Not exactly like here. I´m thankful that I don´t have a boss expecting me to be back at work after just a few weeks (unpaid) time with my baby. Like many other mothers to be in this country.

Today I´ve been enjoying my day on the pasture with the horses. At least I have a lot of time refining my skills of reading horses, watching them interact with each other. It´s always interesting to see how the positions in the herd change when a new horse enters their family.

Last night we went to check on some horses we have on another ranch. They were in need of some hoof care but otherwise they were in great condition. The drive home was beautiful. Every time I go somewhere here in California I´m amazed by the beauty of this part of the country.

Pictures from the drive home last night.

Rice fields

Tomorrow my goal is to find a good bookstore. I really need some new inspiring books. The ones I have here I´ve read more than once, all of them! Finding good books is something I really enjoy, like a work of art. I feel so rich being in a good bookstore, all the collected wisdom and experiences from authors throughout the world. Strolling around the isles of books, picking up an interesting book here and there, the smell of paper, the excitement of an unread book that wants you to buy it and take it home – that´s something I´m planning to enjoy a lot these last two months! Reading all kinds of books in English is a way for me to improve the language as well. Since I was five and started to read for myself I´ve always been reading a lot. Right now I think I read between 500- 1000 pages a week, not counting the articles I read on internet.


  1. Så härligt och vackert ni har det. Håll ut det är ju inte länge kvar tills din lilla flicka är framme, och ta hand om dig.inte för skojs skull läkrn säger att du skall ta det lungt. Jag förstår att det är jobbigt att inte kunna göra sådant som du älskar. Kram på dig.

    1. Tack Shiri :)
      Jag gör mitt bästa..som att skaffa lite spännande läsning!
      Kramar <3


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